My friend Chrystal did this sweetheart tag. I thought since it has been Thanksgiving and I am really grateful for my husband, I would do this tag.

1. What is his full name? Michael Shawn Nunn
2. How old is he? 36
3. Do you have any nicknames for him? What are they? Mike, Sweetie
4. What color are his eyes? light blue
5. What color is his hair? dark brown, blond when he was a kid
6. How tall is he? 6 foot 3 inches - 1 whole foot taller than me
7. What is his favorite color? blue
8. What is his favorite food? lasagna, cheese and crackers, chips and salsa, chocolate mouse, anything he doesn't have to make himself
9. What are/is his favorite past time(s)? fishing, splitting wood, scuba diving, playing chess, planning trips
10. What is his favorite sport? basketball, baseball
11. What does he want to be when he grows up? his own boss
12. What does he do that surprises you? He can brush the girls hair really well without making them cry.
13. What's your favorite feature about him? 1st) His shoulder blades 2nd)upper arms 3) dimples
14. What's your favorite quality about him? His honesty and his worldview. I really respect his opinion. I enjoy his deprecating sense of humor.
15. What do you admire most about him? He is a very hard worker and he can be such a playful father.
16. What's a hidden talent that he has? He makes up wonderful stories for the kids; Bigfoot stories are his specialty.
17. Where did you meet? his brother and my sister introduced us on the phone then Mike came over to my house with his brother
18. When, where, and what did you do for your first date? Pocket Sandwich Theater, January 94- It was a live spoof melodrama dinner show. We cheered for the good guy and booed for the bad guy. A really fun place.
19. When and where was your first kiss? In my 1976 Datsun pickup truck.
20. What first caught your eye or attracted you to him? We were supposed to see a movie, The Fugitive, as a double date with his brother. His brother backed out, but he showed up and took my sister and I anyway. I thought that was sweet.
21. Who said 'I love you' first? I don't remember.
22. How long did you date before you were married? 1 year
How did he propose? At the top of Mt. Timpanogos overlooking the valley after a 10 mile hike.
23. How long have you been married? 13 years
24. Does he have any nicknames for you? Bear, Lover
25. What are your favorite things to do as a couple? Listen to music, car trips