Ok, here is another post before my baby has come. Mike and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary this last Sunday. Since my favorite number is 13 and my sister-in-law put some photos together for me- I thought I would post. They aren't in any order, so it is fun to watch and be surprised. It is hard for me to believe that I have been married this long. It sounds so much longer than it feels.
I know many of you are eagerly checking my blog to see if we have a little one yet. So, we don't and it is all I can do to keep waiting. My due date is January 16th but my first 3 have come early, so it is a mental challenge to not think about it constantly. I have a check up today, and boy do my kids want to see their baby brother or sister. Well, Jonas says he only wants a brother. It is even more exciting to expect a baby with siblings being so excited and impatient.