Thursday, September 27, 2007

Jonas sleeping and reading

Here is a shot of Jonas in bed. Why won't he let me just close the door to make it dark? He is such a fun kid. We are halfway through the 7th Harry Potter book and he is loving it. He always stops to discuss and this and remember that. It is amazing how he puts it all together. He has become a great reader. His favorite books are the Magic Tree House series and a compilation of stories from a company called Usborne Books called Illustrated Stories for Boys. My sister-in-law had a book party and I was really impressed by all the neat books. The jigsaw books are really fun for Greta. I am totally a sucker for a great book. Now, I am going to host a party. Check out the website and let me know if you want something.
I think my bookshelves are full, but as my kids grow I feel the need to expand my library to fit their abilities. Of course, I go to the public library every week also. I just like to read. I have been reading the Pendragon series as recommended by my 12 year old cousin and they are pretty interesting. I sure hope that it is good for my kids to see me reading because I could read to them more if I read less. :)

1 comment:

Chris and Bruce said...

Reading is a great relaxer. I found it was interesting to jot down the titles of the books I read each year in the back of my journal. Occassionally I go back to retrieve one of the titles or authors. Keep reading!