We celebrated my Gram's 77th birthday and Jessica's birthday last week. Gram-pa and Clara shared their birthdays a few weeks before. We are so lucky to have my grandparents so close. The kids have been tasking sewing lessons for the past year. They have cross stitched their names on pillows, made hot pads, and are embroidering tea towels now. I need to get some pictures. My grandparents will leaving on their mission to the Family History center in Salt Lake City in a month. We will miss them a lot.
Greta learned to ride her bike this last month. She was very determined and I didn't give her much support. She just got her brace off her broken arm in January and I wanted to wait until the summer, but she was ready and Clara helped her. The funny thing is she has already grown out of her bike with those long legs of hers.
Levi loves his toes now. I just can't get enough pictures of him playing with them. I look forward to this roll poly stage. And check out those cute chubby thighs! If you squeeze them he chuckles.
Adam and I had fun one morning building garages for his cars. It is so fun to be out of the knock down stage. Of course if someone else had built it he would have knocked it right over.
Spring is here! My hyacinths and daffodils have bloomed and smell wonderful. Today we reached 74 degrees. We played outside and laid on the trampoline to see the leaf buds on the tree.
Isn't this beautiful? After 2 days of rain there was this gorgeous double rainbow out our front door. It was all I could do to keep my girls from going to get the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, it was just across the street.
Clara was baptized last Sunday evening. It was such a sweet service with lots of family and friends that attended. Her Dad baptized her while her grandpa's were the witnesses. She enjoyed choosing the songs and the speakers. It was fun to wear her white dress and celebrate this important decision. We are proud of her. She has started attending Faith in God for Girls and had a fun missionary activity this week where she served in Hawaii. She is a beautiful, helpful and loving girl whi is a integral part of our family.
We had our first slumber party for Clara's birthday. She had so much fun planning- we tied fleece blankets, played dress up with make up, watched the Chipmunks movie and ate snacks. Then the girls giggled, screamed, ran around and finally fell asleep. It was the first slumber party for all the girls invited as well. They all had fun and made it through the night. You want to know the secret? I read them stories until they all fell asleep. We had a delicious strawberry cake and cinnamon rolls in the morning. We took mini cheesecakes to her class at school on Tuesday. Her teacher Ms Andon shares her same birthday so that was special. We also took Twinkies to Jonas' class for his unbirthday in the summer.