Clara had her school and church friends over for a flower and butterfly party. They had a makeup lesson from Clara's Aunt Ginger, played freeze dance, pin the butterfly on the flower, and played. Her Nana and Aunt Kelly also helped me at the party. We did the girls hair and ate lunch. Clara had a Grasshopper Pie for cake. Her chosen lunch menu was chicken nuggets, pineapple, red grapes, pretzels, and root beer. Mike took Jonas to his basketball game since he thought it would be fun to chase the girls around the house with a light saber. The girls were shrieking and loving it course, but that wasn't in the plans. We had a nice day. It was fun to celebrate on a Saturday. We had Chinese food from Panda Express which Clara sometimes calls Polar Express; I think it is a cute mix up. The song is one of Clara's favorite for dancing.
Jonas got to spend the evening with his boy cousin and eat a corn dog from Sonic which he prefers to Chinese. He thanks his Aunt Afton for introducing him to corn dogs 2 years ago, not something I keep in the house since I don't like them. You can imagine the first time they went to a birthday party and were served hot dogs. They looked at me so funny when it was out on their plate. Clara loved the soft white bread of the bun and put ketchup on it. The people at Wendy's must think I am crazy when I ask for a bun with ketchup only, no meat. She will go for the chicken sandwich most times. I guess my kids are deprived because I buy wheat bread. It is ironic that I get frustrated when my kids are picky eaters; I am picky as well. I guess my frustration is that they don't like what I have made and what I prefer. Oh and when they stop liking something they used to eat like Jonas and pasta. That is enough venting and food stories.
Happy Birthday Clara! We also had a family dinner on Sunday to celebrate with my Grandpa who shares a birthday with Clara.